
Tanya Laumen -van Doorne is a recognised MBTI® trainer and writes about the application of 16 personalities of MBTI® in practice.

The ENTJ Personality Type

Understanding the ENTJ Personality Type: The Decisive Strategist In the realm of personality typology, ENTJ’s stand out as natural-born leaders. Known as the “The decisive strategist” of the MBTI® framework, ENTJ’s bring to the table a unique blend of charisma, strategic thinking, and an unwavering drive to accomplish their goals. ENTJ

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ESTJ – The efficient organizer

ESTJ – The efficient organizer: Leaders in Action If you’re looking for someone who can whip a messy situation into shape, put everyone on track, and make sure everything’s running like a Swiss watch, look no further than the ‘ESTJ’. These organized, driven, and pragmatic individuals are the ones to

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Is There a Specific MBTI Chemistry?

Is there a formula for MBTI chemistry? When it comes to human interactions, we’ve all experienced situations where we click instantly with someone, while other relationships require more effort. Whether in friendships, romantic relationships, or professional settings, the dynamic between two individuals can vary significantly. In recent years, the Myers-Briggs

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ESFJ personality type

ESFJ personality type: compassionate organizers of people and harmony. The ESFJ personality type is one of the most common types. Known for their warmth, practicality, and deep sense of duty, ESFJ’s are the type of people who love to help others and create harmony in their environment. Let’s take a

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The Journey of the ENFP: The Adventurer of Life

Imagine this: You’re at a party, surrounded by people you’ve never met. For some, this could be intimidating, but not for the ENFP. Instead of retreating to the sidelines, they’re like a radiant sun, shining on everyone around them. They’re immediately drawn to the most colorful personalities in the room,

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A Quick Guide to the 16 MBTI Personality Types

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) categorizes personalities into 16 types, each with unique characteristics. Here is a brief overview of each personality type: 1. ISTJ – The responsible realist – Traits: Responsible, detail-oriented, and dependable. – Overview: ISTJ’s value tradition and order, excelling in structured environments where they can apply

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MBTI types and team development: How personalities can promote success

In an increasingly connected and collaborative world, the ability to work effectively in teams is more important than ever. However, the challenges that come with team development are much easier to overcome with a deeper understanding of team members’ individual personalities and working styles. This is where the Myers-Briggs Type

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The power of the MBTI for professional development

In today’s working environment, personal development is crucial. It not only helps to develop your own talents, but also to work together more effectively and advance your career. A powerful tool that can be used for this is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This personality test (tool) offers insights

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Exploring the ENTP personality type

The ENTP personality type, known as “The Enterprising Explorer” or “The Debater” The ENTP personality type, known as “The Enterprising Explorer” or “The Debater” is part of the Analyst group in the MBTI framework. ENTP’s are dynamic, curious, and enthusiastic individuals who excel in environments where they can explore new

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The ISFJ personality type

The ISFJ Personality: The practical helper In a fast-paced world where change is often celebrated, the ISFJ personality stands as a steady guardian of what is tried, true, and deeply meaningful. Known as “The practical helper”, ISFJ’s have an innate desire to protect and care for those around them, blending

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The ISTJ personality type

The ISTJ personality type, responsible and committed. The ISTJ often referred to as “The responsible realist”, is known for its commitment to responsibility, practicality, and adherence to structure. ISTJ’s are the backbone of many institutions, known for their steadfastness and dedication to getting things done right. Their approach to life

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Comparing Judging and Perceiving MBTI Types: Holiday Preferences

MBTI Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) types differ fundamentally in how they approach structure, spontaneity, and organization in their lives. This difference is reflected in how each type prefers to spend for instance heir holidays. Below is an example of a detailed look at the holiday preferences of Judging vs.

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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® helps you understand your personality preferences using the 16 personalities in four key areas:

  • How you get your energy (Extraversion vs. Introversion)
  • How you absorb and learn information (Sensing vs. Intuition)
  • How you make decisions (Thinking vs. Feeling)
  • How you like to organize your time and environment (Judging vs. Perceiving)

Want to know how the MBTI® 16 personalities type indicator can make you or your organisation stronger?